As science
communication is a social science that is multidisipliner, then defenisi-defenisi about communication becomes very diverse. Each defenisi emphasis has meaning, scope and context of a different one each other. There are 126 defenisi communications which can be collected by Frank EX Dance. after all can be categorized manjadi 15 conceptual
components. Namely:
1. Symbols / verbal / ujaran, communication is the exchange of thoughts or ideas on the verbal. (Hoben, 1954)
2. Understanding / understanding, the process in which we understand and be understood by others. Communication is the process of a dynamic and constantly changing in accordance with the applicable situation. (Anderson, 1959)
3. Interactions / relationships / social process. Interaction is the embodiment of communication. Without communication the interaction will not occur. (Mead, 1963)
4. Sense of uncertainty reduction. Communication arise driven by the needs to reduce uncertainty, to act effectively, maintain or strengthen the ego. (Burnland, 1964)
5. Process, communication is the process of delivery of information, ideas, emotions, skills, etc.. through the use of symbols such as words, pictures, numbers etc..
6. Diversion / delivery / exchange. Use of the word communication to the diversion of an object or person to person or other object to be meaningful. Eg the word â € € œpohonâ represents the object tree.
7. Connect / combine. Communication is the process that connects one part of life with the other.
8. Togetherness. Communication is the process of making something that someone become the property owned by two or more persons.
9. Channel / path / tool. Communication tool is the message sender. For example, Telegraph, telephone, radio, courier, etc..
10. Replication memory. Communication is the process of directing attention to the recall move.
11. Discriminatory response, communication is the response to selection or to an effective stimulus.
12. Stimuli, every act of communication is seen as the delivery of information containing the discriminative stimuli, from a source to the receiver.
13. Destination / kesengajaan, communication is basically the deliberate delivery of the message from the source to the recipient with the aim of influencing the behavior of the recipient.
14. Time / situation, communication is a transition from a situation or the overall structure of the time according to the desired pattern.
15. Power / power, communication is a mechanism that memimbulkan strength or power.
The five teens conceptual components mentioned above is a reference framework that can be used as the basis for analyzing the phenomenon of communication. Components are either retired, or in combination as a whole can be used as focus attention in the research.
SPECIES OF COMMUNICATION THEORY According to Littlejohn (1989) method based on the explanation and the scope of the object pengamatannya, the general theories of communication can be divided two groups:
1. General theories (general theories), this theory is a theory that explains how to the phenomenon of communication (method of explanation). Because of this theory provides a theoretical analysis piker, comprising:
2. Functional theory and structural theory. Characteristics and basic theory of mind is this: Individuals affected by the social structure or social system and individual parts of the structure. So how is the structure of the eyes and looked outside of himself. This approach emphasizes the structure of the system as a function. Characteristics of this approach are:
a. Important sinkroni (stability in a certain period of time) than diacrony (changes in a certain period of time). For example, a phenomenon observed in the proof-a clear proof of a theorem. Changes metodologis going through the stages that have been standardized.
b. Tended to focus attention on the â € consequences that are not diinginkanâ € (unintended consequences) of the results of the appropriate destination. This approach does not trust the concept and awareness subjektivitas. They focus on factors that are outside the control of humans.
c. See reality as something objective and independent. Thus, knowledge can be found through a careful empirical method.
d. Separate language and symbols of thought and object in yanng disimbolkan communication. Languages are just tools to represent what was there.
e. Follow the principles of correspondence theory of truth. According to this theory of language must be in accordance with reality. Symbols must represent ssuatu accurately.
3. Theories and cognitive behavioral.
This theory developed from knowledge pengamatannya psychology that focuses on the individual human self. Some basic pikirannya:
ïƒ "One's imagination is a concept model of stimulus-response (SR), which describes the process of information between stimulus and response.
ïƒ "the analysis variables. This analysis is essentially an effort to identify the variables that are considered important cognitive and explore the relationship between variables.
ïƒ "According to this view of communication is seen as a manifestation of the process of thinking, behavior and attitude someone. Therefore determines the variables play an important role against kognisi someone (including language) is usually outside the control individuals.
Other examples of theories or models included in the group theory of this model is Psychology Comstock effects of television on individuals. This is the purpose of the model to account for and to help predict the occurrence of the effect of the behavior of people perorang in a particular case, combined with road-discovery or the invention of theories about where the general conditions for this effect can be found. This model is called the model for psychological problems involving mental state and behavior of individuals.
Moel this holds, television should be considered equal with each experience, personal observation or action that may cause the consequences of understanding (learning) and action (acting). So, this model includes the case where the television is not only to teach the behavior learned from other sources.
4. Conventional theories and Interaksional.
Thought that the theory is that communication can take place, the individuals that use the rules in the use of symbol-symbol. Not only the symbol of the rule itself but must also be agreed in turn to speak, how to be polite or otherwise, how to greet, and so forth. This theory developed from the flow of symbolic interactionisme that showed the importance of interaction and meaning. Basic theory of mind is this:
ïƒ "life is a process of social interaction that build, maintain, and change certain habits, including in this case language and symbols. Communication is considered as a means of community glue (the glue of society).
ïƒ "structure seen as a social product of the interaction. Interaction can take place through language, thereby forming a language of social structure. Knowledge can be found through the method of interpretation.
ïƒ "Structure is a product of social interaction, because the language and symbols reproduced, maintained and changed in penggunaannnya. Pengamatannya so the focus is on how the social structure of the language form, and how language reproduced, maintained, and changed its use.
ïƒ "The meaning can change from time to time from context to context. Nature of language to be relatively objective and temporary. The meaning is in essence a customs obtained through interaction. Therefore, the meaning may change from time to time, context to context, and from social group to other groups. Thus the nature of the objectivity of meaning is relative and temporary.
5. Critical Theory-Theory and interpretive
This type of theory developed from the tradition of sociology interpretift, which was developed by Alfred Schulzt, Paul Ricour et al. while developing a critical theory of Max Weber's thought, Marxisme and the Frankfurt School.
Means that the interpretive understanding (verstechen) seeks the meaning of an action. Because an action can have many meanings, the meaning idak can be easily revealed as such. The literal interpretation is the process of active and inventif.
Interpretive theory in general realize that the meaning can mean more than what is described by the perpetrator. So the interpretation is a creative act in reveal possibilities of meaning.
Social implications of Critical basically have economic and political implications, but many of them related to communication and communication in the framework of the community. However teoritisi critical usually reluctant to separate the communications and other elements of the overall system. Thus, a critical theory of communication need to involve criticism of the overall community.
The approach of this group is particularly popular in countries that characterize Eropa.Karakteristik general theory is this:
ïƒ "subjektifitas emphasis on the role that is based on the individual experience.
ïƒ "Meaning is a key concept in these theories. Experience is seen as meaning Centered.
ïƒ "language seen as a strength that govern human experience.
In addition to the above characteristics which showed similarities, there are also differences between the theories and interpretive theories in a critical approach. Interpretive approach, the theory tends menghndarkan nature preskriptif and absolute decisions about the observed phenomena. According to the interpretive theory of observation, something that is only tentative and relative. While critical theories often tend to use absolute decisions, preskriptif and also a political nature.
So it can be concluded that interpretive theory is to understand the experience of human life, or to interpret the meanings of text. While critical theory related to the ways in which the condition of human experience and trying to create obstacles various methods to improve human life.
A. Type-Theory Contextual theory
Based on the context and level of analysis, communication theory can be divided into five:
1. intra-personal communication, which is a process of communication that occur in someone. The focus is on the way how the processing of information through someone who experienced the nerve system and inderanya. Generally discuss the process of understanding, retention, and interpretations of the symbols through which arrested pancainderanya.
2. interpersonal communication, namely communication between the individual and personal well going directly (non-media) or indirectly (the media). The focus is on this theory bentukbentuk and the nature of the relationship, conversation, interaction and characteristics komunikator.
3. communication groups. Focus on the interaction between people in small groups. Communication group also involves inter-personal communication, but pembahasannya associated with group dynamics, efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of information, patterns and forms of interaction and decision-making.
4. Organizational communication. To the patterns and forms of communication that occurs in the context of networks and organizations. Communication involves the organization forms of formal and informal communication. This discussion of the theory concerning the structure and function of the organization, the relationship between humans, and the communication process pengorganisasiannya and cultural organizations.
5. mass communication is
communication through the mass media aimed at a large number of audiences. Communication process involving the four previous theory. This theory generally focus attention on matters related to the structure of the media, the media and community relations, the relationship between media and audience, aspects of the culture of mass communication, mass communication and the impact of the individual.
by. Drs. Ahmad Mulyana, M.Si. Reference:
1. Sasa Djuarsa S., Communication Theory, Open University, Jakarta. 2003
2. John Fiske, Introduction to Communication Studies, Sage Publications, 1996
3. Stephen W. Littlejohn, Theories of Human Communiation, Wadsworth Publication, New Jersey, 1996.